Soul Food: The Importance of Slowing Down for Spiritual Health
"I watch cooking change the cook, just as it transforms the food." - Laura Esquivel
In our family, my husband does most of the cooking. even though I don’t cook often, I enjoy it! I like following a recipe and making it my own, though sometimes that’s because I don’t check for all the ingredients before I start. My favorite thing is making a creative meal from whatever random surprises I find in the pantry. I always feel very proud of myself when I can make food that tastes good and costs us nothing extra. I take my time thinking the recipe through. I like to let the food sit in all the spices and flavors and not rush the process. I listen to music or an audiobook while navigating the pots and pans. It’s a bit of time when everyone else must manage for themselves, and I can focus on cooking.
Sometimes, our souls need us to slow down for some cooking. Our souls are the foundation, the most important part of us. They make us unique and give us personality. They’re the essence of ourselves. Our souls are who we are. God loves our whole being, but He loves our souls so much that He desires for them to live on with Him forever. And yet so often, we neglect our souls. We rush around, always busy, always doing things. All our activity might be a good thing for other people but if we are always doing for God and never slow down enough to be with God, we are starving our living souls.
Like any living thing, our souls need to be nourished and nurtured. Attending a church service here or there is decent, but it’s like eating a pre-made grocery store sandwich. Sure, we ate, but did it even make a difference? To truly feed our souls, we must take the time to absorb and apply what we learn. We must slow down enough to listen to what our souls need most from the Lord. And we must slow down enough to ask for and then receive it. There’s a feast waiting for our hungry souls but we often choose fast food. Slow down and savor the process of feeding your soul.
Experiencing GOD:
- What is your soul needing today? Rest, peace, forgiveness, quiet, celebration? Slow down and consider the emotions and reactions you have experienced today. What does this tell you about your soul?
- What are some of your favorite ways to feed your soul? Examples might include dancing to praise music, spending time with God in nature, reading Scripture, establishing prayer partners and living out spiritual friendships.
Supporting Scripture:
“He refreshes my soul.”
Psalm 23:3 (NIV)
This article was originally titled “Soul Feeding” in the October 2024 issue of The War Cry.