Psalm 37:5-6: Committed
Let’s keep our hand on the plow, forging ahead in our work and mission. Let’s continue to trust God to make a way for us through each step we take.
“Commit your to the Lord; trust in Him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justices of your cause like the noon day soon.”
Psalm 37:5-6 NIV
One of my favorite catchphrases to share as advice and encouragement is “hand to the plow.” This references the metaphor Jesus uses about living a focused and committed life (Luke 9:62). No matter what circumstance you find yourself in, keep going and don’t look back. Keep plowing ahead.
When we commit ourselves to the Lord, it means we hold nothing back. Whether it’s our family members, occupation or possessions, this commitment takes the ultimate amount of trust. The simple fact is God can take much better care of us than we can do for ourselves.
Another week of uncertainly faces us. The COVID-19 crisis isn’t anywhere close to winding down and many are concerned about their futures. We start to worry more. Will I catch this virus? Will my family members? Will this ever end? Don’t let those concerns turn into moments of doubt leading to a depression you can’t shake. Bringing God all your cares and concerns should not be viewed as a form of escapism or delusion; it’s a sincere moment of truth that can fill you with hope.
Let’s keep our hand on the plow, forging ahead in our work and mission. Let’s continue to trust God to make a way for us through each step we take.
“As I face another week of uncertainty, help me O Lord to not be overwhelmed by fears and doubt. Instead, let me put trust in you and commit ways and my life into your perfect care. Amen.”