The Big Picture
"Holiness is at the center of all that is. It is the focus of the heart of God."
I remember the day I stepped back and tried to get the “big picture” of Scripture and holiness.
The Holy One in Israel
It was the Holy Spirit who hovered over creation (Genesis 1:2). From the ground of a garden the in-breathed Spirit makes true human life possible (Genesis 2:7). A perfect creation of shared love between God and humans culminates in a day made holy (Genesis 2:3). Sin made everything unholy and unloving. So, God began again from a patch of desert dirt around a fire-filled bush to redefine His holy nature (Exodus 3:5). The entire purpose of Israel’s existence was that they come to “…be holy, because I am holy” (Leviticus 11:44). Every structure of the life of the people of God pointed them to the holy nature of God and what He created them and redeemed them to be. The center of their worship was on a holy mount where, once a year, a sanctified high priest entered the Holy of Holies so that they might receive what God graciously provided—the clean and sinless life He desired (Leviticus 16). Very few ever truly understood what the Holy One desired and was able to do in their hearts and lives. The prophets pointed to the original plan—hearts filled with the Holy Spirit who is poured out on them (Ezekiel 36:26, Joel 2:28).
The Holy One in Flesh
Gabriel told Mary that the Holy Spirit would “hover” over her and that the result would be a holy One (Luke 1:35). Only the devils recognized who Jesus was, “the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24). Peter, in resignation as thousands fled from the hard words of his Rabbi, said, “You are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69). It was the Holy One who taught, healed and lived so that true holy love might be demonstrated. As our Great High Priest, and through His flesh, He entered the Holy of Holies to provide His blood for one purpose: to make us holy (Hebrews 13:12). As the resurrected Son of God ascended to the right hand of the Father, enfleshed forever, He pointed to the goal of the Triune God, the promised blessing—the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49). He compared the Spirit-filled life to an overflowing river pouring out of us who love Him (John 7:39). His final prayer summarized the full purpose of His incarnation, death and resurrection: Father, “make them holy” (John 17:17).
The Holy One in His Body
The indwelling, cleansing and empowering of the Holy Spirit, who “rested” (hovered) upon each of the believers in the Upper Room at Pentecost, was the fulfillment of our Holy God’s intention all along (Acts 2:3,33). Thus, the most common term for early Christians was “holy ones” (mentioned 61 times in the Bible). Every structure of the church and their communal life was climaxed in holiness at the heart level, which affected the outward influence of Spirit-filled people (1 Peter 1:15). It became possible that normal persons could walk as Christ did, forgive as He forgave, live with His purity, love as He loved, be poured out as He was. God’s original intention became possible in everyday life.
The Holy One and Eternity
At the end of human history, the Holy Spirit and the Bride invite all to come to the Living Water of a fruit-producing river (Revelation 22:17). The Lord is our Temple (Revelation 21:22). He commands that all that is holy be holy still and that what is unholy be unholy forever (Revelation 22:11). A holy city descends, and recreation begins. In that city is a garden-like reality with a flowing river of healing, fruitfulness and intimacy—everything as the Holy One has always intended (Revelation 22:2-5).
Holiness is at the center of all that is. It is the focus of the heart of God. It is quite sad when a person misses the big picture because the most important question is: Do my heart and my life align with what the Holy One desires and enables?
Questions to ponder
- Do your heart and life align with what the Holy One desires and enables?
- How does seeing the Bible’s big picture of holiness change how you see your relationship with God?